Rendered realism and top-notch 3D modeling
OdloVFX partnered up with Kalani Cables with the objective of creating a commercial that had a set of challenges like giving the squirrels a human-like nature and rendering realistic fur for them, which OdloVFX overcame successfully creating an amazing production with the highest quality, in the end. The process started with extensive modeling and animating that we handled with modern techniques and tools.
In this project, the primary we were presented with was, creating realistic squirrel animations that successfully mimic natural behavioural patterns with human-like actions. Rendering realistic fur for squirrels posed a significant difficulty that had us thinking for an extra moment and drove the wheels in our brains a little bit faster. However, at OdloVFX, we took this challenge as a chance to bring the most innovative techniques and cutting-edge technologies to the room with the purpose of achieving the desired outcome.
We started with a series of brainstorming sessions with the agency and the client, to get a detailed and clear idea about the original ideation, concept, and final objectives as it is crucial to understand in order to deliver a successful product. Then we went on to develop storyboards with a great deal of detail to ensure a clear direction for the animation. Our target was creating life-like creatures with the most natural-looking appearance and behavioural patterns blending realistic animal animation with subtle human traits.
The next step was the production stage and it is one of the most important segments of the overall production. It is where the fundamental groundwork happens for the wizardry that’s yet to begin. Our team utilized the most sophisticated and advanced software tools to bring these realistic animal figures to life. As we mentioned a couple of times before, rendering natural-looking fur was the challenge that had our brains glitching for half a second. However, our talented and highly skilled team at OdloVFX successfully overcame that challenge with modern and much advanced techniques and the newest technology, giving us a little boost of confidence that we could take on a challenge as complicated as such. We used sophisticated fur simulation methods to ensure that the squirrel’s fur moved as naturally as it could get and looked as realistic as it could naturally be, which as a result enhanced the overall visual appeal of the animation.
The post-production phase is where the wizardry starts happening. OdloVFX put an immense amount of intense and meticulous work and countless hours into refining the animations and achieving the desired visual effects. Every tiny detail from the squirrel’s movements to the texture of their fur, was very carefully created to make sure the final product is of the highest quality. The final animation went through several polishing rounds getting feedback and respective adjustments as well as reviews enhancing the product which ensured the visual excellence of the final production and that it had met with the highest standards.
The final animation production successfully showcased the Fire Shield product, highlighting its unique features and durability in a visually exceptional manner. The commercial received overwhelmingly positive praise from the client as well as the viewers. The viewers were amazed and captivated by the life-like squirrels and the seamless integration of realistic animal behavior with subtle human traits. The commercial effectively conveyed the message of the Kalani Cables PLC’s Fire Shield product line enhancing the brand engagement and the visibility by a couple of folds that it was originally expected to, which made our client more than satisfied with our team and our skills. Also, this project was a rewarding experience for us as this project showcased our capability to blend creativity with technical prowess, resulting in a commercial that was both captivating and effective.